Advice for foreign companies in public bidding in Spain
Public tender in Europe: Spain – European Countries

Public procurement in Spain represents between 10% and 20% of Spanish GDP, so it has an undeniable relevance in the economy, and there are numerous business opportunities for German companies.
Almost 34% of state contracts only one company participates and in 65% of the contracts there are 3 or fewer participants. These figures make Spain one of the European countries with the lowest participation of companies in public tenders, and an opportunity for foreign companies to contract with the Spanish Public Sector, obtaining their contracts through public bidding.
Below, we show data on public contracts in Spain, relating the type of public administration, the type of contract, public works, services or supply, with the amount.
The proposal presented by the bidder in the public tender in Spain.
The proposal presented by a company in a public tender, is the offer that said company makes in relation to the demand that is requested in the public tender, may be a work, provide a service, serve a supply, etc …
In the offer, the bidder can simply indicate the amount for which he will perform the work, provide the service or serve the supply, which is what is known as a public tender type auction, or also, in the offer presented, in addition of the price, describe what characteristics that work has, that service or that supply offered, which is what is known as a public tender.
The information that composes the proposal can be divided into two groups, the administrative, legal, professional and enabling documentation, and the documentation related to the economic offer and technical study.
The documents that collect the information that the company offers, both the economic proposal, and the technical proposal (the result of the technical study), are placed in envelopes, and these envelopes, together with the tender documents inside, are deposited in the registry of the Contracting Authority.
It is very important to write meticulously all the bidding documents and make the envelopes as established in the tender documents, because if we fail to comply with any clause of these, our bid will be excluded from the bidding process, losing all options of being awarded of the works, services or supply contract.
More and more public services bids are processed through electronic bidding. The documents to be submitted electronically are mostly identical to those presented physically in the register or by mail, except that in an electronic tender the envelopes are virtual. It is equally necessary to know the procedure of electronic presentation of offers in service contracts, such as having the electronic device properly configured, even so, the electronic procurement platform of the public sector usually gives problems.
Each public tender in Spain, requires presenting a different and specific documentation.
In order to get to know the bidding process and its conditions, our team will analyze all the documentation of the public tender, and from there, it will be in charge of correctly elaborating all the necessary documents for the public bidding.
We advise and prepare all documents of the public tender of services correctly:
- PDF documentation of envelopes for the presentation of documents and proposals in the tender.
- PDF documentation of indices, declarations, economic solvency, technical solvency, guarantees etc …
- We advise you in the study of the economic offer and we prepare the economic proposal.
- We advise you on the technical study of the service and prepare the technical documentation to present.
Presenting all the documentation of the tender for services is often complicated, there are many constraints, both technical and economic, so to ignore any of them is easy and its unfortunate consequences, as the company would be excluded from the tender of the service .
Our service of preparation of public bids for service contracts is adapted to the bidding process to which you wish to submit an offer, both in the part of the economic documentation and the technical documentation if necessary. We prepare all the necessary documentation, adjusting to the conditions of the public bidding for services that you indicate and to the requirements that you transmit to us, we will advise you to get the public contract of the service.
The Contracting Platform of the State, or Public Sector, allows the preparation and presentation of electronic offers by the bidder, many public procurement bodies demand that this be the form of presentation of their offers in public contracts in Spain. Presenting all the documentation of the electronic tender is often complicated, there are many constraints, which are usually given at the last minute, so to ignore any of them is easy and its consequences unfortunate, because the bidding company would be excluded. Each electronic public tender requires the presentation of different and specific documentation. Our team can help you prepare all the documentation of the electronic public tender correctly, and guide you on how to present the offer through your computer.
- Experience in the presentation of public tenders for services, supply and works throughout Spain.
- Experience in the execution of public contracts to the Public Sector of all Spain.
- We adapt to your specific needs.
- We do not demand premiums if the winner of the public tender.
- We do not elaborate the technical or economic study of the same tender for more than one company.
The deadline to prepare all the documentation of a public tender in Spain is usually about 25 calendar days, so it is vital to get in touch with our team as soon as possible, in order to have as much time as possible to complete a full studied the public bidding, both in its part of administrative and economic documentation and technical if necessary. Before the deadline, normally the documentation of the tender, together, if it is the case, with its technical study, technical report, report, etc … is delivered in PDF format online.
THE TEAM Tulicitacionpublica

Contact form to prepare public tender in Spain
We prepare the documentation for foreign companies.